www.cmec-henan.comAdd: 16-1 Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou 450003 ChinaTel: +86-371-6586 6098Fax: +86-371-6586 6088Email: zhouxiren@cmec-henan.com=================================
Visualizing the global landfill crisis
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Garbage (MSW) to Electricity
by Gasification & IncinerationMSW must be sorted first!
Parts for wormicompost and compost taken out.
The leftover components to become briquets for production of energy
1 MW coal gasification power plant requires 10 Tons of coal / day. (Pictures above)Since the caloric value of MSW Briquettes is about 3000 Kcal/Kg, therefore:1 MW MSW gasification power plant needs about 20 Tons of MSW Briquettes / day.We assume this 20 Tons of briquettes will be derived from around 35 or 45 Tons of MSW in the proposed site at small citiesSynGas produced in our system of gasification has the following composition:CO- 40%, H2- 30%, CH4- 11%, CO2-6 to 8%, N2-8 to 10%which has Caloric value of 1800 Kilo Calories /cubic meter.The Caloric value of Natural Gas is more than twice of Syn-Gas.=======================================For big Cities with MSW more than 700 Tons / Day using Incineration (Pictures below)The MSW / E process by incineration after drying and sorting the garbage.This power plant is very similar to coal power plantWe are among pioneers in this field.Usually the Environmental Agencies in the US do not like burning garbage as a source of Energy.But our environmentally friendly system, which processes the garbage and then burns that, has the blessing of the Environmentalists.To see the Letter dated 2005: click here