CHAMCO has moved its headquarter to Boca Raton, Florida with the same management structure.
For rebuilding and development of Mega-projects in the Middle East, CHAMCO works with Project Management of Stand-Up America US Foundation.
CHAMCO Partners, Associates and Advisors:
Sohrab ChamanAraCHAMCO President, was graduated as Electrical Engineer from University of London in 1969.After 18 years working as Electrical and Instrument contractor in Iran, imigrated to USA and joined UOP.As a Senior Design Engineer he was Project Manager of more than ten petrochemical units at UOP.After retirement he founded CHAMCO in 1994.Sohrab ChamanAra is a Felow of Cyrus Force Organization List of Sohrab ChamanAra books, Click here Email:
Professor Adel Sharif CEO & Technology OwnerAdel Sharif is Professor of Water Engineering and Process Innovation, and Founder Director of the Centre for Osmosis Research and Applications, (CORA) at the University of Surrey, UK.Prof. Sharif is a winner of The Queen's 2011 Anniversary Prize for Water Research and the 2005 UK Royal Society Brian Mercer Senior Award for Innovation in Science and Technology.He is also the winner of the 2008 Science Business first pan-European Academic Enterprise Award in the category of Energy/Environment. CORA water technologies were also awarded the Institute of Chemical Engineers 2011 Innovation and Excellence award in the Water Supply and Management category
Solar Desalination, developed by Professor Adel SharifIntroducing Professor Adel SharifClick on You-tube link here: company’s patented “manipulated osmosis” technology uses a chemical reaction to separate the salt from the water — a process that uses far less energy. It reduces energy consumption by as much as 30%. The technology was pioneered by Adel Sharif, a professor at Surrey University at 2010Solution to a Thirsty World : Sea Water without the Salt John Quemars NaimiChairman Graduate of Bremen College, Germany as Mechanical Engineer at 1964I.T.I. Washington DC at 1968 as Computer Engineering.Owns and operated Innovative Construction Co until 2009 and been a member of CHAMCO since then. John Quemars Naimi has been a leading Real Estate Developer in Florida and also the founder of Cyrus Force Email: Javad FakharZadeh Vice President Graduated from the University of Utah in 1971 with a B.S. in ElectricalEngineering, Worked towards three masters programs in Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, and MBA. Worked as an aerospace engineer, programmer, database developer, Quality Assurance Engineering, Systems Engineer, and managed team of softwaredevelopers in financial companies.Founded Advanced Technologies Engineering (ATE ), Inc. provided services to Fortune 500 companies. Managed day-to-day operation of the businessencompassing a range of activities relating to the betterment of the business to meet customer needs and demands.As the CEO of the ATE Corporation, created ATE Construction that managed construction of large houses.Email: fakharzadeh.javad Safeaddin Tajaddiny President and General Manager in IranBorn April 30th 1950Educated from UC Davis Bs industrial design EngMs from USC in public administration Business strategies from UC Berkeley Management experiences since 1973 in various area such hospitality, various industries such as metallurgical, auto motive, copper and steel plans as well as NIOC & NIGC Civil contractor, Mining of base metals and precious minerals As independent miner. Cellphone: +98 912 019 2384 Emails: & Victor V. BerezinCHAMCO Representative & Vice president in Europe, Director at "Scientific Institute of System Research" Ltd. Working as Engineer of technology of Carbohydrates and Polysaccharides, Kiev State University of Food Technology (Industry) and Technical Director for Optimizing the use of additives for engine and boiler fuels for large consumers. Utilization and regeneration of used engine and industrial oils and waste water. MSW recycling.Email: @ Altio Francisco Villegas Vice President of South East Asia in Philippines President and CEO of Hongkong United Giant Holdings Limited & Grant Resources Industries Corporation in Manila, dealing with top asset and wealth management In Asia and Caribbean islands.Email: # 20 Stanford St. Cubao Quezon City Philippines Tel: +63 947 437 4797 Alain Placide CHAMCO Representative and Vice President for Africa. For the past twenty years have dedicated himself to promoting energy through sustainability processes such as Waste-to Energy projects and prepaid metering. Worked with the Haitian government to implement a $40 Billion sustainable island development project capable of giving thousands of direct and indirect jobs. Have a BS in business administration from Northeastern Illinois University and I majored in manufacturing. Armen SaginianCHAMCO Vice President, P.E., is a professional engineer.His field of specialty is systems engineering in interdisciplinary applications.His largest project was the Project Leader of renovation of 66,000 villages, housing, water, education, agriculture, power, and self-sufficiency in every respect, from dark ages to 20th century in Iran.A $30 Billion project, at 1975, which after two years intense negotiations was to be inaugurated. it was funded and scheduled to happen. It was left dormant because of 1979 revolution.
Frank ChamanAraVice President, he obtained Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of Illinois at Chicago, and worked as software engineer in the silicon valley for three years before specializing in the area of cellular network management systems, and worked with many cellular operators around the world. Currently residing in Santiago, Chile as CHAMCO Vice President
Sohrab ChamanAraCHAMCO President, was graduated as Electrical Engineer from University of London in 1969.After 18 years working as Electrical and Instrument contractor in Iran, imigrated to USA and joined UOP.As a Senior Design Engineer he was Project Manager of more than ten petrochemical units at UOP.After retirement he founded CHAMCO in 1994.Sohrab ChamanAra is a Felow of Cyrus Force Organization List of Sohrab ChamanAra books, Click here Email:
Professor Adel Sharif CEO & Technology OwnerAdel Sharif is Professor of Water Engineering and Process Innovation, and Founder Director of the Centre for Osmosis Research and Applications, (CORA) at the University of Surrey, UK.Prof. Sharif is a winner of The Queen's 2011 Anniversary Prize for Water Research and the 2005 UK Royal Society Brian Mercer Senior Award for Innovation in Science and Technology.He is also the winner of the 2008 Science Business first pan-European Academic Enterprise Award in the category of Energy/Environment. CORA water technologies were also awarded the Institute of Chemical Engineers 2011 Innovation and Excellence award in the Water Supply and Management category
Solar Desalination, developed by Professor Adel SharifIntroducing Professor Adel SharifClick on You-tube link here: company’s patented “manipulated osmosis” technology uses a chemical reaction to separate the salt from the water — a process that uses far less energy. It reduces energy consumption by as much as 30%. The technology was pioneered by Adel Sharif, a professor at Surrey University at 2010Solution to a Thirsty World : Sea Water without the Salt John Quemars NaimiChairman Graduate of Bremen College, Germany as Mechanical Engineer at 1964I.T.I. Washington DC at 1968 as Computer Engineering.Owns and operated Innovative Construction Co until 2009 and been a member of CHAMCO since then. John Quemars Naimi has been a leading Real Estate Developer in Florida and also the founder of Cyrus Force Email: Javad FakharZadeh Vice President Graduated from the University of Utah in 1971 with a B.S. in ElectricalEngineering, Worked towards three masters programs in Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, and MBA. Worked as an aerospace engineer, programmer, database developer, Quality Assurance Engineering, Systems Engineer, and managed team of softwaredevelopers in financial companies.Founded Advanced Technologies Engineering (ATE ), Inc. provided services to Fortune 500 companies. Managed day-to-day operation of the businessencompassing a range of activities relating to the betterment of the business to meet customer needs and demands.As the CEO of the ATE Corporation, created ATE Construction that managed construction of large houses.Email: fakharzadeh.javad Safeaddin Tajaddiny President and General Manager in IranBorn April 30th 1950Educated from UC Davis Bs industrial design EngMs from USC in public administration Business strategies from UC Berkeley Management experiences since 1973 in various area such hospitality, various industries such as metallurgical, auto motive, copper and steel plans as well as NIOC & NIGC Civil contractor, Mining of base metals and precious minerals As independent miner. Cellphone: +98 912 019 2384 Emails: & Victor V. BerezinCHAMCO Representative & Vice president in Europe, Director at "Scientific Institute of System Research" Ltd. Working as Engineer of technology of Carbohydrates and Polysaccharides, Kiev State University of Food Technology (Industry) and Technical Director for Optimizing the use of additives for engine and boiler fuels for large consumers. Utilization and regeneration of used engine and industrial oils and waste water. MSW recycling.Email: @ Altio Francisco Villegas Vice President of South East Asia in Philippines President and CEO of Hongkong United Giant Holdings Limited & Grant Resources Industries Corporation in Manila, dealing with top asset and wealth management In Asia and Caribbean islands.Email: # 20 Stanford St. Cubao Quezon City Philippines Tel: +63 947 437 4797 Alain Placide CHAMCO Representative and Vice President for Africa. For the past twenty years have dedicated himself to promoting energy through sustainability processes such as Waste-to Energy projects and prepaid metering. Worked with the Haitian government to implement a $40 Billion sustainable island development project capable of giving thousands of direct and indirect jobs. Have a BS in business administration from Northeastern Illinois University and I majored in manufacturing. Armen SaginianCHAMCO Vice President, P.E., is a professional engineer.His field of specialty is systems engineering in interdisciplinary applications.His largest project was the Project Leader of renovation of 66,000 villages, housing, water, education, agriculture, power, and self-sufficiency in every respect, from dark ages to 20th century in Iran.A $30 Billion project, at 1975, which after two years intense negotiations was to be inaugurated. it was funded and scheduled to happen. It was left dormant because of 1979 revolution.
Frank ChamanAraVice President, he obtained Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of Illinois at Chicago, and worked as software engineer in the silicon valley for three years before specializing in the area of cellular network management systems, and worked with many cellular operators around the world. Currently residing in Santiago, Chile as CHAMCO Vice President